Learn About the Flu to Prevent it and Stay Safe

Learn About the Flu to Prevent it and Stay Safe

November 1, 2021

The flu or influenza is a viral infection that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. It is a contagious respiratory disease, and its symptoms range from mild to severe.

The flu symptoms are similar to those of the common cold. However, in most instances, symptoms of the flu last longer and are more severe.

Symptoms of The Flu

Early symptoms of the flu include:

  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing

As the virus progresses, symptoms tend to worsen and can include:

  • Fever
  • Body chills
  • Achy muscles
  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Nasal congestion
  • Dry cough

You don’t have to visit a doctor because of the flu; the symptoms tend to improve with home treatment. Drinking plenty of fluids and resting is also important.

You should visit an urgent care clinic near you if you are experiencing the following:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Pain or pressure in the belly or chest
  • Severe vomiting
  • Confusion

Some people can develop complications due to the flu. Below are high-risk groups, and if you are in one of them, you should seek urgent care in 77406 if you start developing symptoms of the flu.

High-risk groups comprise of people who are:

  • Below two years’ old
  • 65 years and above
  • Under 18 and taking salicylate-containing medications or aspirin
  • Pregnant or given birth recently
  • With a chronic condition such as asthma, HIV, diabetes, or heart disease
  • Living in a care facility or nursing home
  • Alaska Native or American Indians native

It’s important to seek a flu urgent care center if you get sick from the flu to receive prompt treatment.

What Causes the Flu?

Influenza viruses infect the throat, nose, and lungs, causing the flu. The viruses can spread when people who are infected talk, sneeze, or cough, sending droplets containing the virus into the atmosphere and potentially into the noses or mouths of people within range.
One can also get influenza by touching your eyes, nose, or mouth after coming into contact with an object or surface that has the flu virus on it.

Flu Treatment

It’s essential to do the following things when you have the flu:

  • Get lots of rest
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Stay at home
  • Eat a light diet
  • Take acetaminophen to relieve muscle aches and reduce fever

Don’t give children or adolescents with fevers aspirin because of the association Reyes syndrome (a disorder that causes liver and brain damage).

In some cases, the doctor might prescribe antiviral drugs.

Sunrise Urgent Care Center offers emergency medical care to anyone in need of it. If you require urgent care in Richmond, TX, don’t be hesitant to reach out to us. We are open every day from 9 am to 6 pm.

How Can You Prevent the Flu?

You and your family need to be safe against the virus due to its potential for complications.

Getting a flu vaccine can protect you from the flu. The vaccine is given in the form of a nasal spray or a shot. For you to avoid common strains of the flu, you need to get the vaccine every year.

Sometimes the vaccine may fail to protect you from catching the flu, but it will be less severe if you contract it.
Some antivirals (Tamiflu and Relenza) are given to treat flu. People with close interaction with people who have the flu can take the antivirals to prevent them from getting the flu.

Below are some of the things that you can do to help prevent you from spreading or getting the flu:

  • Develop good hand-washing hygiene. Use soap and water when washing your hands. If you can’t access soap and water, you can use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • When you are feeling unwell or have a fever, avoid being around other people. Keep away from sick people whenever possible.
  • Use disinfectant spray or wipes on commonly touched surfaces at work or in your home to further protect yourself.
  • Wear a face mask when taking care of someone with the flu. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing to help prevent the flu from spreading. Coughing or sneezing into your elbow is preferable to using your hands.

You may develop certain complications such as pneumonia as a result of the flu. You should seek out urgent care near you if you:

  • Have difficulty breathing
  • Experience chest pain due to coughing
  • You are coughing up green, yellow, or bloody phlegm

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