At Sunrise Urgent Care Center, there are several ways to close a wound including sutures, staples, glue or steri strips. To answer the question of whether or not you need to be evaluated at urgent care for your laceration, a few factors have to be considered.
What was the mechanism of injury? Were you cut by a knife or a piece of sharp glass or was it a paper cut?
How deep is the cut or laceration?
Are you bleeding profusely? If your cut is deep and cannot be stopped by properly holding pressure above the wound, you may need sutures.
Is your bone or tendon exposed? If so, you most likely need to be evaluated to ensure that you don’t need a tetanus injection, antibiotics, x-rays and to determine the best way to suture your wound. When you get your sutures placed here at Sunrise Urgent Care Center, we remove them in 7 to 10 days with no additional cost to you.
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